The Future Is NEUTRAL™ is an active holding with a portfolio cumulating more than 30 years of experience in automotive recycling. In 2023 our activities generated nearly €1 billion worth of profitable Turn Over.

We are the only 360° circular economy solution provider in the automotive industry in Europe. We serve a broad range of customers including car manufacturers, suppliers, insurers and individuals.


The Future Is NEUTRAL is owned by Renault Group but is open to other partners and investors. The company has several subsidiaries: INDRA and BCM are co-owned with a partner, GAIA and THE REMAKERS are wholly owned, and a future battery recycling activity is planned with partners.

our geographical presence


Campus for circular mobility based at the Flins plant


TFIN will leverage on the Mobility Circular Industry campus based at the Refactory of Flins. It caters to students and professionals who want to train in mobility-related trades. It is open to outside organisations, provides innovative training content and learning experiences, and is supporting the transition from linear-economy trades to circular-economy trades.